I had been wanting to see how well blacklights could burn a screen. You can get blacklight LEDs for pretty cheap and I had heard that they can burn a screen super fast. SO my goal was to build a blacklight LED exposure unit that I could mount under my garage workbench to keep it out of the way, while still being accessible.
I was actually shocked at how quickly I could burn a screen with these blacklights. I have it down to about 45 seconds and I think I might test it with even shorter times. This set of 4 lights only cost $40 (now they go for only $30) and I didnt have to do any wiring or electrical. Just daisy chain them together and plug them in.
I’m using a vacuum bag to get my film nice and tight against my screen like a professional exposure unit would do.
Check out the blacklight LEDs I used for this build here. (paid link)